whats on? not that i can go anyways replied to ur belle and sebastian thread in whats on forum, but 'obviously' they are in competiton with promise so it got moderated... i might go depending on work.. stuart murdoch is genius
was really good. John Lisle rocked the place with some class breaks. Nice to see the usual suspects Darkdrums Selectajay the Resistance boys Paul Lancaster well done boys a great night, look forward to the next one.
unlucky i only got there just before then & havent been to sleep yet as had to hand three lots of coursework in at eight which hadnt done, so did all that when i got back whilst my mates were getting pissed downstairs...they are jealous of my willpower now
.. Jon Mack, shame u missed his last hour, he was fuckin amazing. Without doubt one of the best sets Ive seen this year. Class venue aswell. Good night all round. Jon Lisle rules. Fuckin tore it up that last hour. Top bloke aswell.
Played some wicked breaks all night then to finish he played Inner City Life the Rabbit in the Moon mix...... awesome night.