howard marks - mr nice live? goin to c him in manchester on saturday....has any1 seen the live show before?not too sure what to expect really! :chill:
my cousin has been before. he said its really good. its just howard talking about himself really. smokes spliffs and stuff. and one guy even asked if he would like to smoke his pipe so howard told him to bring it up and took a massive toke of it. then said ' ive never ever refused a hit of a bong pipe or bucket' leg end
I was there too. I thought he was really funny and well worth it but a few mates that I went with fucked off to play pool. He kind of re-tells and adds to the stories from his book aswell as talking about his relationship with the police. The extra stories he told about that mad irish guy were quality.
yeah he was really good actually, well enjoyed it!talked about his relationship with the police, general drug related stuff, how the best thing he did after coming outa jail was take E with his kids in a cave-rave in spain! he just speaks the truth!