Pleasure Land C4 - Last Night Did anyone see this ?? Programme on TV last night about a gang of 14 year old scouse lasses and one in particular who rebelled against her mam to go with older lads by lying about her age, wanted to basically grow old before it happened and that involved under age sex, taking drugs smoking and drinking etc ! It wasnt good viewing on a come down but at the same time when i seen me mam in tears it makes me wonder what the hell me sister is up too and some of the fucking arseholes that live and get away with these things
Kids grow up far too quickly these days...... I didnt much like the stuff my "peers" got up to when i was 13-18, made me feel a right outcast for not hitting the class A's and getting some slag up the duff. Its wierd since we are one of the only nations where this kind of behaviour happens - Goto America or the rest of europe and you see younger people enjoying themselves without acting like drugged up mongs,.... its a pity.
really wanted to watch it, but ended up going to stereo instead for a bit wish id stayed in and watched it now
i saw bits of it, when i was flicking with the remote like, and i found it shocking, my daughters staying in her bedroom till shes 25,
Re: Pleasure Land C4 - Last Night There was some canny disturbing scenes in it esp when she made her mate go with those 2 lads round the back of a club
I never saw this but if you look at places like holland where there is a lwoer age of conesnt there are far less teenage pregnancys (children are protected with an age gap law).. The age of conesnt means fuck all - how many kids actually take any notice of it? We have a huge teenage pregnancy problem in england - so the current system obviously isn't working... wish I'd opf watched this program - but was working.
Re: Re: Pleasure Land C4 - Last Night Its what happens tho really I reckon there was more disturbing scences too all the way along when the lass just wanted to be something she isnt really ! It was better to see her sort herself out than the way she was going - the lass with the dog was fucking horrible, i think the leads needed to be swapped around there :spangled:
pleased i didnt watch it... sounds fucking awful. peer pressure is such a burden... i hate the way things are turning out... i consider myself to have fairly 'old fashioned' values as relationships and sex are concerned... i consider them to be really meaningful things... something like looking at a bunch of tarts on the bigg market disheartens me, so watching this would not have been a pleasurable experience. god knows how we can reverse the current situation - but in my mind we somehow need to get some values back into this country... desperately... we are becoming a nation of worthless chavs devoid of conscience and values. *sigh* and before someone says it, yes, i know, im a bitch
Tinhead from Brookside has obviously found a decent steroid dealer too cos he isnt the piss ant he was in Brookside
was good viewing, but does show some of the shit that goes on in real life. if she was my little sister getting shagged off much older blokes i wudnt take to kindly to it. id hunt tha bastard down and break his legs.
I'm sure your mam would say the same about angie or whatever she'd called Have you had sex ed at school yet
You can hardly blame the other person for what someones sister may or may not do.... If you surround yourself with those kind of people and put yourself in those kind of situations you only have yourself to blame.
I went bowling, I got 4 strikes in a row! My mam was telling mw about this today tho, its bad crack, I have a younger sister and brothers to worry about