ok then... uve got me...i will make a special effort to dribble on friday and consume much vodka and many skittles.... i am now under the impression that dribbling is is this so??
Well, technically no- being dribbley is not However, in circumstances which concern mucho vodka and skittles it is inevitable and understood by vodka drinkers worldwide, therefore it is 'accepted'. So you're alowed, go ahead and try it, whats the worst that could happen?
Ur right....i will not actively take part in dribbling but shall get so minging that i have no choice.....i like this path of thaught... i just remembered..jawbreakers... MMMMM sweets
I can, i can, i can!!!!!! Ahhhh, look what you've done now..... im off to the shop for some ket (and by ket i mean sweeties) xx
Eyepoppers, they were class....but could u suck the sour ones? i used to get them on my dinner at school every day ee..when i was a lad ehh
I couldn't handle the sour-ness, I used to always spit them out. I reckon I could do them now like, 'ave it!
CLASS MATE dont think anyone could handle them things..... like the hot jawbreakers...wonder if u can still get them anywhere...havent seen them for years....remember those ones like jawbreakers but one tasted mingin n u didnt know which one? cruel sweet makers
Re: CLASS MATE I can remember when I was younger a girl who lived over the road seriously burned her mouth with those hot Jawbreakers, she was ill for ages. Bad crack like! I used to like them
i i loved hot jawbreakers aswel!!! knew they were dangerous tho...:spangled: finished wrk now..im gonna have to buy some sweets on the way home after this thread.....
yeah..i do some wrk at wrk and have tried to not start posting for ages coz once ur involved in talking bout sweets ur nackered...
don't u get embarrased when eating haribo they look like they are 4 kids still it would not bother me. Sweets =