safety deposit boxes? Does anyone know anything about these? Like where they are and stuff? My nana died last week and we've just sorted out some of her stuff and she's left us a bit of a mystery....a safety deposit box receipt and a key and some pin numbers. None of it has any clue as to where this thing is kept and we havn't got a damn clue where to start??? anyone work at a bank or something that can help? it's amazing really... we moved her into a bungalow in 2000 when she started to get alzheimers and she was getting stressed out about people going through her stuff....the date on the safety deposit thing is around that date...crafty bugger! can anyone help?
It could be anywhere. There are dozens of places in Newcastle that offer "safety desposit boxs" Most factory storage sites have lockers and boxs that Joe Public can rent weekly....... Been a little old lady tho.......... id guess it would be high street bank. Take the key into the top three banks and ask there. If that dosnt work PM me. I bet I can find the mystery loot!
would the receipt not have the banks name on it somewhere though? all it has on the front is Safety deposit box receipt numbers then a barcode and a box saying sealed on - then the date and checked by...and a signature then carefuklly tear and fold back along the perforations to reveal your 7 numbers....and the numbers are inside its just a little square thing
that wouldnt have been kept cause she moved from her bungalow into a nursing home earlier in the year thanks crasherbiatch
When i worked in Midland Bank they used to have on at the top of the Bigg Market - it was underground and i have never ever seen anything like it in my life - i think the majority of shops in Newcastle had some goings on there along with Jewellers and that, im sure it was that far underground they had ways of getting around and that !!! It was that secure that i had to wait upstairs whilst it was open - i therefore presume most banks now have them somewhere cos this ones now a Greggs I hope you get everything sorted anyways and sorry to hear about your Nan !
did u ever see any receipts for the boxes or anything while u were there? do u think the name of the bank isnt printed on it cus it would narrow it down for someone finding it and therefore it could actually be a big bank? i'm still stumped that my little nana has done this....even if i dont ever fin what it is....NICE ONE NAN!!
I cant remem seeing any receipts or anything but the chances are that its going to be in a bank - i would say that if it is then one of them will know which one its for if ya get me ? If you go to one and its not for them then maybe they can send you in the right direction !
the bank will be on the bar code, try scanning it in asda to see what uve won, seriously get a bank or builday sociaty to scan it, and take it from there.
i havnt got a clue how these things work though.....will they let me open the box if i'm not my nana?
Juts little cart things, the bank itself was massive as it was and there was even a games floor for all the staff - fuck knows what it is now cos Greggs took over the bottom bit ! They were just like little electric motor things that i seen when i was there - it was first time id seen a gold bar too and as for the ammount of safes/drawers it was just daft
they should do, considering ure nan's no more, u'll have her death certificate tto prove she is no more, hope that helps.