Ghostly Tails !!!!! Who out there has had a brush with the afterlife, lets hear some good stories.. No fakes though Neil
a couple of years ago now but I was lying in bed once and for no reason atall my blanked flew back very fast, and fucking awfull smell came in to the room. also our lass felt a hand grab her sholder the other day when we were sitting in the living room having our tea.. she threw all the dinner over the floor cause it was that much of a shock. WEARD!!!
i've not had any personal encounters with ghosts but i know a few ppl who have.... my old school teacher saw an old man sitting in a rocking chair at the bottom of the garden in a house she'd just moved turned out to b the old amn who'd lived there b4 her & had died!!! i've saw a photo of a ghost that was brought in by someone who i went to school with...her family had an antique candle stick holder that they decided to anyways they took the pic but when they got the pic's back there was a grey figure walking behind the photo holding the candle stick holder which was also on the table but there was no woman on the negative!!!! & also when i was in jumior school my friend saw a ghost come in the window of middleton teesdale halls & fly thru the dorm & out the window at the bottom of the dorm!!
When I was very young in my old house you could always hear children playing on the landing late and nite, like giggling and stuff. It was well weird, there was only me and my mam living there at the time. We were just talking about this last night.
I seen a women looking over the bannister in the landing when i was about 7. and me dad had a mate who hung himself because he kept hearing this women singing to him and telling him to come away with him, nd me dad was on leave from the army and stayed round this blokes house with a mate b4 headin home nd they both seen a women in the house.
Was lying on my bed late at nite and was suddenly pinned down across my chest. Stayed like this for what seemed like ages but eventually managed to turn my head and saw a blacked cloaked figure stood at the side of my bed! I turned awway and managed to move the rest of my body. Well freaked me out so i told a friend at uni who is a psychic and she said it mite have been sleep paralysis until it happenned again twice. She also said talk to it so I did, and it went away! About 3 months later it happened again and also stuff fell on to me in the middle of the nite off a shelf above my bed, tho the window and door were shut so no wind! Then a few weeks later the same thing happened that occured at the start so again talked to it thinking it will go away. I said"what do you want?" and it replied "Im never going away" in a womans voice. Totally scared the shit out off me
fucking hell. i'd have soiled myself. even though i'm the man of science and i don't believe in that shit.
I did a couple of the times but i want her to come back as i find it realy interesting, as long as she doesnt throw things at me again!
In Suzanne's mates house.. everyone was upstairs and her mate said this house is haunted - 5 minutes later the radio that was on quietly downstairs turned right up loud on its own