Leeds Just had a class weekend away with the lads in Leeds ! Went to Funkissential on Friday @ Mission i think it was called ?? - nice club with a decent sound system but come 3/4am twas all getting a bit :spangled: and scary ! Aint seen Rob Tissera play a funky set before but ave heard v.good reports and he was quality - class night ! Thought Saturday would of been ruined thru lack of sleep but it wasnt altho im sure some fucker stole me eyesight cos i was shite at pool, no need to explain why the eyes were dodgy - at the night time went into the city centre and got mortal drunk then onto some massive club called Creation - it was HUGE but i didnt really move from this one room which was cheesey but cos i was mortal and everyone else was it was good ! Night was cut short cos some cockney bell end decided to take a pot shot on one of me mates and then fuck off being the hard case he is. Everyone eventually got out and back to the hotel room for more drink and a few threats of being kicked out ! All in all class weekend, never laughed so much and think everyone is gutted to get back - would recommend it too anyone on ere that hasnt been away, thats when Promise isnt on of course!
I tell you what if someone sold jaws and eyesight they would of made a fucking rake off our lot this morning
i was dragged to creation on sat night... got there about midnight, left about half past, i hate the place - used to like it but theres too many scallies in there now an also they played the radio edit of the new justin track in the 'house' room. i like going round the bars more than the 'clubs' when i'm in leeds... more fun!
Re: Leeds :evil: :evil: :evil: Creation is the vain of the universe, one of the shitty clubs my mates in leeds have such bad taste as to like and i have been dragged there often enough(about 30times!), every night theres three shity CHEESE ROOMS - 1.pop/70s, whatever = CHEESE! 2.r n b = CHEESE, 3.they say 'the dance room' HHHMMM whatever = CHEESE! Can you spot the recurring theme here Iamian - Theres plenty of good clubs in leeds i feel very unlucky to have been to a school where no-one except me likes any decent electroinc music, (there were some mosher-types which was ok tho basics, riff-raff,union, sleaze, hardtimes, orbit, tecnique, asylum, heritage, pukka, funkissential, speedqueen, federation, base, SS even housewives&glasshouse would be great +many more in fact i've decide that christmas you are coming out to basics with me, thank you BUT creation this is the sort of place my narrowminded fuckwit friends like along with baja these people also talk shit as to say 'you've fucked your head up on pills idiot' when i've had ONLY 35ish in my life (in last 20months&none since GKGG!!!) NOT A LOT. FFS i know people who've had more than what i've had in my life in a weekend! So sorry but i dont like the general attitudes of people who go there or to any other cheese club -sorry for the genearlistions! And my friends are sound apart from that BTW but it really pisses me off SORRY!! *rant over*!! Geordie -glad you had a good weekend in leeds tho, shame about the NOB IN CREATION
How can you say that about Creation nightclubs, Dave Pearce was live from Creation in Brighton last night.
Re: Re: Leeds tell me about it... mates back home think that majestic has only jus gone downhill ffs!! an we were gonna go to mission but one of my mates didn't want to go cos of course all the gay men would love him, feel him up, wank him off because he just is THAT irresistable jus a shame the girlies don't seem to see him like that...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Leeds the leeds players still love it tho... all those impressionable young schoolies about the place
heheh, glad u had fun hun!! i ended up in creation when i went to leeds, my god, u have to be dooooooo drunk to go in that place, its deffo a baja type place! still had a rite laugh to be fair, but wid never go back!! xx
that's what i heard, i hate it when they take good nights and change the venue and it fucks it up, space was mint, the same thing happened with union - one of the best nights and then they moved to rehab and it messed up and now its shut ...union@spae rocked one of my best nigths was seeing justin robertson there dont move to a bigger venue just cos its doing well, ok fair enuf i think basics has done well since it moved but thats about it
lol, i kno, i went on a wed, it was like a quid for vodka nd redbull, i was well pissed, up! only went down to leeds to lok at a uni, nd ended up getting a hotel nd staying!xx