he was controversial and provoked good debate 90% of the time. i think he brought more to the board than he took away from it.
So do you. The qualities you have mentioned are indeed valued, you however seem not to feel the need to act up 24/7. That's my only gripe. A lot of new people are joining the board, although this could be totally coincidental I wonder if it is due to the board being less clicky the last couple of weeks.
such generalistions will devalue your future opinions. he brought a damn sight more to the board than many other members, i don't see how this was/is a bad thing? i'm prepared to have a little blood spilt if it makes for a more interesting place to visit.
maybes Joe realised that there was more to life than sitting posting stuff on a message board... damn, i m getting way more done since i stopped posting regularly... doesnt take a genious to work out you re not going to win any awards by spending your days and evenings posting on a message board...
shut up!! hes one of ma best bloody friends (well at least he was before he decided to leave heaton n neva come back ) im bound to say nice things about him u bloody idiot!!!
lol!! oopz sorry hun yet again am jumping on the defensive when stuff wasnt meant about me!! sorry chicken!! xxx
Rob what is your problem mate? (I use the term lightly, your too old to hang with me ) I'm sat here racking my brains trying to work out how I've offended you and I honestly can't remember... Could it be something as petty as my baby sister knocking you back? haha your a very sad man if this is the case - may you die old, lonely and limp wristed Dude you were old enough to father her! Don't take out your rejection on me... I'd of jumped straight in the sack with you, but she has standards And please don't play the nasty card since my first day on here you've griefed me, if I were to call you fatty you'd ban me now. You have a serious chip on your shoulder, its just good job it aint chocolate cos you'd probably eat it *boom boom* p.s. I haven't been online or socialising much on account of my business taking right off p.p.s Jimmy what do you wanna know about uk hip hop? p.p.p.s This board would of died on its arse if it weren't for jambon, spence and confuzzled (plus the usual suspects)... p.p.p.p.s Where are all these rookies rob, most of them posted when I was here u clown p.p.p.p.p.s rachel me love you long time, I'm in toon on november the 13th - u coming to stonelove with me? p.p.p.p.p.p.s amyblah FUCK YOU
Face it Joe, you're nothing special and nobody gives a shit that you've stopped posting. I can't be bothered with a petty argument with a petty kid.