Have i done the worst thing eva? Arranged a staff night out from were i work for Trance Classics night:spangled: I thought it would be a good idea as there would be some tunes played to that they can relate to, and it not as exspensive to get as usual!! But now im not so sure
I work in a pub nxt to mine. Erm they all like cheese to put bluntly. but none of them have ever been to fondation they don't not like Trance as i i put it on as much as possible
I reckon it will be ok then Nat, they'll know alot of the tunes that are played and the drinks aint that expensive in Foundation! Take them to Quality next time tho
I've always kept my professional life away from my clubbing life. Wouldn't like to meet my colleagues :spangled:
It happens! You'd be surprised who the cainers are. Try asking them questions with hidden references in them, if they get it, they know the score
I know mate ... met a few out from my previous place and the excel purity test flying about my old work opened my eyes a bit. I went to Amsterdam with the work and stayed off the :chill: Had a drug test the following week though for the job down here
I was hoping in taking them to Promise they would understand why i never go out in Shields with them!! *fingers crossed*
Me and MoS took some of our old workmates to Promise once, about two years ago, some of them were liking it, one lad with a flat-top even started a silly throwing shapes style dance thing, but after about an hour they left to, get this, go to the Baja Shite Club - bunch of numpties
we tried... and failed. some people can't be turned. the classic line came out " ooo, it all sounds the same.." yes, right, of course it does...