big clap for.... pete robinson, luke nixon and paul taylor... dont normally go upstairs but was dragged kicking and sreaming las night+ was top stuff.. best of all it was gud to see pete robinson lovin it so much! always gud wen u can see theyre up for it some grrreat tunes goin on
petes cool, such a friendly person and he has a top mam, i work with her and he gets all the support in the wolrd...pity he's a mackem.
Yeah upstairs was really good last night. I was there from about 1 - 2.30, not sure who was on but he was very good.
what impressed me most was the room was near empty at one point but they kept on goin like rabbits on the decks :groovy:
I caught the end of Pete's set, it was well funky! Gonna have to spend a bit more time up there at the next one. Had a bit of a chinwag with Pete and Luke as well (I just love everybody...) and they're both sound as. Respec'