Bad Boys Ii What an exiciting tale, gun fights everywhere and the storyline....drugs and money. Quite unpredictable, wish I'd left it to see at the flicks first !
Re: Bad Boys Ii me too, the massive chase at the end in the hummer is amazing... a bit long like, never lets up. somehow though the chemistry between them 2 just isn't as good as the first. still a crackin action film though.
Re: Re: Bad Boys Ii yeah, IMO, the first of sequel films are always the best. Somehow the stories can not seem to match up or beat it. However there are exceptional sequels ie, The Matrix and the Die Hard series. any others ?
Tried to watch this last night but the DVD I got off my mate was crap and kept sticking/skipping. From the half an hour or so that I saw, wasn't anywhere near as good as the first