jordan's been on the lash again In today' 10p Daily Sport, Jordan has been photographed and interviewed on a night out. In todays rant she's been complaining about Gareth Gates and show crap he is in bed. She says, "Gareth was fucking shit in bed, he was a fucking nightmare and really wasnt up to much." "He might be cute and all that but he was really, really bad and a real disappointment." "In fact he was so shit that there is no way I'm ever going with a virgin again - as he'd obviously not had much experience!" There she goes with the intellect of a ten year old. FFS my cousin knows longer words than this beatch, listen to her with the REALLY REALLY REALLY shit. Jordan, time to shut up and go to college. Oh and she carries on to say that black men arent up to much in the trouser dept. What the fcuk does she want to satisfy of these? silly cunt.
One sure way to annoy your burd and provoke an argument is say Jordan is a really clever and natural looking woman. Works everytime.
Re: jordan's been on the lash again what the fuck does she expect from a 17 year old lad who's obviously a bit of a mammy's boy and stuttered so much he wasn't even able to say his own name nevermind chat a lass up!!! and about the black men remark, how does she know, has she had every black man in the world? hang on, aye that wouldn't surprise me!!!
I hate it when peeps comment about the performance of someone they've been with. Whether its gud or not. Its jus not on. She jus sounds like a bitter, stupid cow. And that comment, "he obviously dont have much experience"???? Is her brain plastic aswell??? Isnt that the whole point of being a virgin? Thick twat!!!