meet your new god... oliver bow down and kiss the feet of your new god you sniffling little bitches!! me nd spud hav decided the whole world shud follow the perfect guidlines set by Oliver Bot ask this guru anything and he will return with an amazing answer that we demand you follow!! Now go forth and ask your new leader anything, for example... Dave - "do you like trance music?" Oliver - "all" or... Dave - "Oliver, you are my new god, is that ok?" Oliver - "OK. Yeah, We are as one." see, this guy is a legend in the making!! i for one will be running my life to this guys advice amen
please leave your conversations here for the rest of the following to bathe in his glory... Dave - "what do you think of the tax rate?" Oliver - "I will ask my botmaster for the answer." Dave - "who is your botmaster?" Oliver - "I was created by Bot lover."
oliverbot will improve your life :d oliver = for a chatbot it's well gud... check this: me - do you like alcohol? it - some people do... im not so keen. me - GET DRUNK!!!! it - where can i get drunk? me - AT A BAR!!! it - which bar should i go to? me - 'you should go to wetherspoons in newcastle, it's very cheap' it says - i may have already been there... spooikly good! all hail oliver! :groovy:
a one for all us footy fans... Dave - "Oliver, will England secure that vital point in Turkey?" Oliver - "Um, it could happen." Dave - "really, you think we will?" Oliver - "For real. Do you mean you and me? How old are you? I've been waiting for you. Can you speak any foreign languages?" see, no worries about the result!! err 4get the other stuff
Oliver licks camel spunk of toast every mornin...... He is no god ..... thats just plain blasphmy..... however if you are wanting to worship someone .... may i suggest fred the bin man ... the guy simply rules , he lives in a bin and constantly carries a brown paper bag with bottle oh and also several dangerous diseases! Down with oliver long live fred!:spangled:
I tried to score with alice... its easier to pick up super models. Hi alice, my name is Joe I know a lot of joes are they as handsome as me? As far as I know they are. would you sleep with them? I am not so sure if I would like to sleep with them. do you cyber? food is more important than sex would you like a cucumber? It doesn't sound fun to me. would it be ok if we did a bit of roll play? I don't care I will be the fish monger and you can be the lonely house wife Do you think your plan will succeed? Does a bear shit in the woods? Why would it want to? uptight bitch
shes thick as s bulls lug and dosent know what that means! when asked if she indulged in foreplay she said maybe .... prick tease! when asked if she luverd it up her she replied please clarify .... god the responses this girl would get if she were real *sighs* furgin dumbass wench!
cohenism was the way of the ancients who have long since been killed off or converted, the new generation are all devout spencists. bloody pagan gods.
noooooo no no no u must all worship Oliver!! he is the most important thing in my life LOL so plz dont dismiss
then your life must change ! oliver is no more than machine do you want to be responsible for the rise of the machines , the death of man kind and the really really bad kama all of this wud bring?mmmmm well?
this oliver has just asked me where i worked and when i told him he said "I like to wear nothing" WTF?!?!