Your fave tune! So peeps, wot do you regard as your favourite tune ever???? OK, i know its hard so you can choose more than one!
mmmmm....... tough one jayne, i would probaly have to go for..... new order - blue monday!!!! although i STILL haven't heard this CORKER of a tune on the wonderful sound system that is foundation's, it is top quality!!!
oops! seeing as i started the thread, i should have said my fave tune(s)! I really dont totally know what is me fave but i really like william orbit- barbers adagio for strings (ferry corsten remix) and Mauro Piciotto - Lizard!
dj hinx-el viendo!!!fookin mint tillman urmacher-on the run, brings wicked memories of godskitchen coz it was my 1st big event!! solar stone-seven cities, it still gives me such a feeling whenever i hear it tis a few more but since im totally fooked i will have to cum bak to this one lol
Club tune: PVD - For An Angel General Tune: Blue Monday (The biggest selling 12" in UK history pop pickers!) Nick> John Smelly played a remix of Blue Monday at Promise a while back.
Class choices Pikey!!!!!!! When van buuren played for an angel last sat @ crasher........cant explain it actually.......u know wot i mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blue Monday...well....wot can u say bout that apart from....YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rank1 Airwaves as well...dutch force rmx....cant go wrong with that! BRB...need to restart the record......for the tenth time..hahah!
my favourite tune has to be, delrium "the silence" still, but i skydive and seven cities rank closly along side.
Veracocha - Carte Blanche Travel - Bulgarian (Signum Mix) Blank + Jones - Cream .....are a few of my favourite tunes from back in the day
Hard question im going to have to say either, Thrillseekers feat. sheryl Deane: Synaesthasia Sevenson & Gielen: Twisted or Children 2002