do you have eczema? not like a little patch on ur foot when u were 5...but like now...recently and quite a lot of it. im wanting to know of sumthing that i can buy or use or do to make it stop burning! smothering in aqueuos cream atm...but i need sumthing to relieve the pain... how are hospitals in newcastle for minor shit like that? woudl i be able to go in and get sum steroid cream from them or possibly be admitted? ne1 work for hospitals? whats my chances? sum1 please help me!!!
1% hydrocortizone does the trick, its a steroid cream and it can be bought from the chemist without a perscription.
eumovate and hc45 and other hydrocortazones iver had on perscription dont work anymore e45 never worked ive been on sterioud creams for 4 years and my body has grown immune to them ne other advice?
what about a dietary change, the skin is highly affected by by what we eat. try vitamin suppliments perhaps from holland and barrett?
i was like that last is fuckin anoying, you can't sleep or concentrate...............its also agrivated by stress, best to just go and chill out some where.
chill...good more college work...i shall :chill: chill i had a prawn omlette last night and the worst excema ive ever had face is swollen also which hardley ever might be an allergy to eggs or shellfish...looked it up on internet and i found: egg allergy may effect the skin - in the form of red, bumpy rashes (hives), eczema, or redness and swelling around the mouth hmm...
yeah it sucks... best thing to do is go to you're dr's an say - no i've had that an it doesn't work! - to the 1st few things he says an then he'll give you somethin really strong... but only use it when you need to or you'll get allergic to everything!! the only good thing about it is when nige had it last yr, funny as fukk!! hehe sorry mate butit was for me!!
go to the drop in centre at the general hospital, they will see you quickly, and offer a solution! and its free....
Is it not just an allergy off what you have eaten :spangled: Like you say you have had eggs and prawns so therefore it could be summit to do with that ? Steroid creams are probably the best but your only meant to use them in moderation im sure - nowt is to be used on broken skin either i think !
Heather, if you go to your doctors and ask to be referred to the RVI, they have a special unit there for skin problems, they'll perscribe you with some steroid cream, and also do tests to find out what is causing it. I done that and managed to find out why i was getting it and how to stop it. It will be free for you aswell, coz your a student!
I used to suffer from really bad exzwma and the thing that used to stop my skin burning was anti histamine tablets. They really do work. Mine used to be so bad that I couldnt get to sleep on a night and felt like my skin was on fire. Every time I went to the doctor or hospital about it they gave me anti histamines. Steroid cream can't be used on broken skin and it doesnt get rid of any inflammation, it only worked on my skin when my skin was just dry. No other creams ever really worked either. I went for allergy tests and I already knew I was allergic to the things they told me. Its only been in the last couple of years that my skin has really settled down. It gets dry in the winter but thankfully I never need to get any stuff from the doctors any more and if it starts burning I go and buy anti histamines. Another thing thats good is oilatum that u put in the bath. Can buy that from Superdrug etc and it soothes your skin quite a bit
I get it bad sometimes on my feet it's like walking on broken glass hospitals are shite I had to go private @ great £££ and I still have it but it's quite mild. I get high intensity UV treatment every few months.
after doctors and hospital visits, it has been discovered i am having a severe allergic reaction...have had to come back to darlington due to lack of money and perscriptions for almost 20 quid. daddy paid..but when i went into the shop to ask him for money, he didnt recognise me my face was so swollen and red. nehow...have taken antibiotics and antihistemines, have put hydrocortizone on my face, and aqueous and steriod cream on the rest of my body. am itching like mad but the swelling has gone down gonna take sum sleeping pills tonight also so im not up itching all the damn time. thankyou for your advice
You might not need sleeping pills if you've got antihistimes that make you drowsy. Mine used to help me sleep. Antiobiotics, nasty! I went through a stage of having nasty infected exzema and I know it aint nice at all. Another you could try is porridge oats. Sounds minging but helped relieve my skin when it was at its worst. Get some muslin or cut the end off a pair of tights, fill it with porridge oats and out it in the bath. Works best if you tie it round the tap so the water runs through it. Turns your water all milky coloured and soothes nasty sore skin Also rose hip tea is meant to be good, I tried it years ago but it was minging so dont know first hand if it does actually work. Evening primrose oil helps with dry skin too. If you're anything like me, avoid weraing cheap jewellry cos a lot of people with allergies are allergic to nickel. And check any beauty products you buy too make sure they dont have lanolin in. If your skin burns when you use certain beauty products, check the ingredients, its probably got lanolin in. I always check stuff beforehand so I know its gonna be ok.
Also, if you get really hot during the night and it makes you itch. If you havent got some already buy some 100% cotton bedlinen. Makes the world of difference
I wouldnt go down the route of steroid cream straight away. I dont know how severe yours is however my old manager is currently in hospital as he has been using seriously strong steroid cream on his particularly bad eczema everywhere. he's in hospital cos he cant walk his soles of his feet are fcukd. try looking on the internet on american web sites they generally have good information and own 'herbal remedies' sorry i cant cane the itch though bitch.