FAO people who work behind bars

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crasherbiatch, Sep 3, 2003.

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  1. Karl51

    Karl51 Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    glass collecting was good but had 2 do the bar 4 2 weekends, full of pissed up people trying to give u less money or mumbling on purpose or just being asses and constant runnin all over getting drinks nightmare!

    :evil: :rolleyes: :p
  2. Badger


    Apr 11, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The Toon
    Bar Work

    Go for it, But Please Please don't listen to all the old fuddy-duddy's about workin in a local quiet bar.

    The best experience about workin in a bar/club is the social side. In town You work with people the same age (not old doris the faithful barmaid who has pulled pints for 30 yrs? & keeps telling you that), you can actually understand/relate the customers (without asking them to put their teeth back in!), meet people the same age who want to have fun(christ I don't know any bar where there aren't people shagging in the cellar/toilets/kitchen/...).

    Also I couldn't work in my local because (not only barred) but would want to meet new people. not old school pals-Dazza & Smiffy the kids who have drank there since the age of 14, and will almost live there til pension day.

    To be honest it can't be for all the money?? Choose somewhere that suits you as a person. Don't know you, so Jesmond for the lady, Quayside for the unsure, Bigg Market for the ???????.

    Good luck chick ;)

    P.S. JObs going at Foundation if this has got through to anyone??

  3. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Hoochie Mamma
    Re: Bar Work

    theres no offence intended here but heather has massive boobs & if she worked a place where there was going to b loads of piss heads not only wud they ogle but they'd b rude to her...heather is also very nice (infact too nice at times) for her own good & this wouldn't b fair on her...if heather cud learn to b rude & abusive to ppl then i'd agree with u but til then i don't agree so quieter bars r the way 4ward 4 her...!! :)
  4. Badger


    Apr 11, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The Toon
    Re: Re: Bar Work

    Cool, you obviously know the girl.

    But is it being a bit protective? Every girl has breasts, and drunken men will ogle, but better being behind a bar where she can build up confidence, and learn to deal with those situations, than remaining"far too nice" and forever getting upset by pissed blokes on a night out?
    Not meaning to be cheeky, but worked in bars since 15, Christ thats a lot of years now, and have seen so many supposedly timid & quiet people (both sexes) when they start. All shapes, all sizes, every type of personality.

    To be honest, She might not even enjoy bar work, no matter where she works.

    I would say give it a try, wherever?

    Ps often the worst type of pissheads are the lecherous old local pissheads who are in every day making life unbearable. Quiet bar ,means you can't avoid them. knowing that someone like that will be there every shift often drives good barmaids away.
    Busier bar means that the choice of interaction is hers, ignore the arses, spend time with staff and friendly customers.

    Decided my calling in life, gonna write a thesis on the advantages of busy bars...

    Will be back in 3 months. :D
  5. crasher_chick

    crasher_chick I .....

    Feb 6, 2003
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    Liverpool, with Geordie roots!!
    the bars i work in, aint full of fuddy duddys!!
    lolo, infact were all the same age, nd go out load, have fun, nd makes work, better nd better each time, since we have sumthing to relate to!
    heather hun, at the end of the day its ur call... go with what u feels best!
    wheni move for uni, i'll probs end up working in a busy bar/club..... used to all the good nd bad points of bar work, nd think its time to move to sumthing bigger...still love me canny bars i work in now tho... the regulars have taught me a lot about the 'real' world! xx:p
  6. Ruth

    Ruth Registered User

    Sep 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Hoochie Mamma
    Re: Re: Re: Bar Work

    but some girls breasts are bigger than others!! :)

    mayb but u can find it quite intimidating if a bloke is standing giving u grief cos a) ur behind the bar b) he's pissed so he thinks he can c) u have breasts & no matter how big or small he can b rude about them!!! now i'm the sort of person who wud tell him to fuck off b4 i lamped him (i'm classy!!) bu theather is too nice to say such things...bless her was trying to coax her into telling a nitemare at promise (she's so fluffy) to fuck off without any success!!! :lol:
  7. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    depends on what yer like init... if ur one of these pussy foot fairy birds whos world ends wen they crack a nail.. err id stick to the drawin an baby pics ;)

    ud get good tips tho :D
  8. Jesuschristsuperstar


    Sep 4, 2003
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    Re: FAO people who work behind bars

    im afraid my sister i work in the heavens so i can not help you there !

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