aaaaaaaaah!! sorry then mate ur buggered!! well actually are u? don't even know what u play really...have never heard u play but have heard some good reports!!
Nah its no problem really, just a verry sudden change from his last record to my first. Its all good fun anyway :chill: :chill:
of course it will be!!! :chill: :chill: i ain't been to this nite 4 ages so am looking forward to it!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Techno Fuck you!!!!!!!!! Will probs come though, not cos i like you but because i feel i should support techno in the North East as no one else seems to know or care. I AM ON MY OWN IN THE GREAT STRUGGLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Techno i should hope u don't like me...i went out with duncan!! SUPPORT THE TECHNO!!
Think I might go on after james and build it up abit before you, Gareth takes shit can't go from prog to detroit techno, that would be daft. Everyone one of our night's have built class it would be stupid to do things different.
If i'm on a bit later thats all good. Means that Kerry can get down from our little family celebration in time for my set. :chill: Means I can get nasty too, which is all good.
I want to come too but it depends if I can stretch out my £20 Ive got to last the rest of the month Still, only need a quid to get in so it may well be possible. Its about time I got my arse there after having not been yet
I might "take shit" but none of your posts make sense you stupid fuck. Learn how to spell. As for Lee following on from James, you can work it out however you want, as Telfy said the way the music builds on the night is the most important thing. Doesn't look like I'm gonna be there anyway. Its my cousin's wedding down in Hull and my whole family will go mental if I don't go, although I am still tempted not to.
He deserves every bit of it. (And he's not here to defend himself 'cos he's off to Ibiza the lucky bastard.) Telfy =