Har Mar? Did anyone go last nite? I really wanted 2 but obviously couldnt cos im at home. Any reports?
aw come on...u must be able 2 remember if it was any good? I was gutted about missing it....used to go to stonelove every week in the first term, suprising for my music taste i know but i actually used to enjoy it!?
haha joe u were well hammered, im suprised your up! well i went aswell, but i couldnt tell u what he was like cos i got there just after he finished
up at 8:30 after getting in about 4 o'clock... in the words of dereck trotter, the world of business never sleeps kid, are u finally coming out of hiding, thats twice in 1 month you've been out
i wasnt even gonna go clubbing, especially on a school night! im even gonna be out next friday aswell...going for the hat trick this month i was up at 8 then fell asleep again woke up 9:45... late for work..
haha sorry kid! i'm lookin forward to goin to see CORVIN DALEK on the 5th@turnmils and i'm wishin next weekend was then!!!!!! sorry kid, the sunshine is now blazing on ya parade again!
u had me worried, i thought id lost a week there, i know my memorys not the best but i didnt think it was that bad
Re: Har Mar? Hmmm... Reports... Was an interesting night. Upstairs was rammed when he was on, sneaked in through fire exit, followed by cameraman and 3 (we'll just call them filthy) girls. Blond bird was actually one of the girls from Manumission show. minging tho Sang along to mainly his own songs, and a few well known ones(Remember everyone singing along anyway, just can't remember what the songs were!) :spangled: :spangled: Everyone was either crammed in next to stage or standing on tables and seats to get a view. I was stuck in the crowd with bird on my shoulders. Amazing atmosphere, but wasn't on for long. had a couple of Stellas with him backstage afterwards, kind of upset him when I asked if anyone ever mistook him for Ron Jeremy! (Obviously a sore point!!) these one off nights are always the best.
Re: Re: Har Mar? wish id been there....being at home is shit. there aint much room upstairs 4 sum1 as well known as that! ounds good...doubt he'll be back in newcastle 4 a while: that was a massive thing for foundation 2 get, he's doin hardly owt in this country.
helluva nite!think i only saw about 15min of harmar, but had a awesome nite anyway, could be a regular now!
Fucking brilliant! That is all I can say The 2 dark dancers were fit as fuck, got a kiss off both of them The blond one wasn't up to much though. One of them is on the front of mixmag and the other 2 are pictured inside with the article. Got to go down as one of the best acts I have seen, was just laughing at him all the way through, don't really know how he can keep a straight face whilst doing it.