I'm the same if u haven't guessed except I am a nerd! We aren't rebels anymore mate, we were subdued after out last "little" escepade!
am a mingin lil student at the mo but in ma final year of uni when i go back in sept and am gonna be a primary school teacher!! xxx
I'm a sales administrator for a freight company. I do telesales, open accounts, data entry for consignments for the trailers every night.. the list of what I do goes on and on. I want to find a job I can make a career out of but can't decide what I want to do. When I left school I wanted to be a teacher but decided to pack my A Levels in cos I couldnt be arsed. I'm toying with going back to college part time next year once Ive got no debt but Im not sure what I want to do
I'm a Sales Exec. I sell raw materials that go into make-up/sun cream/shampoo/bubble bath etc etc... you get the idea. It's as interesting as it sounds *yawn*
Im a Pensions Assistant ! Its non UK - people seem to think cos i work for the DSS that ive automatically stopped there dole / child support etc Pays the bills i suppose...
anyway.... ive just finished me alevels, nd start uni in sept @ leeds, where i shall be doing a ba(hons) in english for 3 years, after that, im gonna do a p.g.c.e, and become a teacher... i love kids me!!! lol xx
Wholesale energy markets. Put (very) simply, I look at the trading rules between generators/gas producers, and the suppliers that joe public buys their gas and electricity from. Also look at market developments, government initiatives and European directives, renewables development etc. Report on stuff like the British Energy collapse, why it collapsed, its effects on wholesale market liquidity etc. Very difficult to explain to someone who isn't in the industry!
you lucky *@%$^£&!!!?! if i didn't live so close i'd of deff gone to leeds uni (or met) the city is cool, an headingley is one of my favourite places in the world! (well in england anyways!) so jealous now! an you're jus starting... iwanna be a fresher again!
Sorry! Would be quite interested to work for someone like that though, on the energy side, writing responses to government papers etc from the environmental point of view. I do stuff like that anyway, but not from the environmental side. Can't make it biased due to our client base, though we do have a lot of clients who are on the renewables side.
Now :- Financial advisor for marks and spencers ! Basically sit on me arse al day and get people in debt ! same job as ness although I seem to be hear a lot more often
im promotions manager for a bar in south shields (if only i had some staff to manage at the mo ) anyone wanna job ??? wanna owen or manage a club one day just working my way through the ranks in this one. also a free lance dj just starting to break from outside the north east scene going back to college to do art and design to fill up the day time