Re: Hangovers drink as much water as u can...drink loads of cool glasses of the for me!
Take a bath Have shredded chicken in cantonese sauce Watch a lot of porn go to bed! Works a treat for me.
Always the best way, along with eating shit junkfood and watching girly films which require no concentration, such as Clueless
All of the above suggestions sound great(accept watching Clueless) but I am at work and I am here til 8. I will be getting hammered again 2night though, I didn't even think that I had much last night but my lass reckons I was singing 'Love Shack' at the top of my voice all the way home!!!
I woke up this morning and whenever i moved it felt like my head was getting ran over should be hammering the alclohol again 2nite though...then on saturday, but i'll give sunday a rest coz i have 2 get up at about 3 or 4 in the morning :spangled:
Re: Hangovers Mines like that to but aint got a hangover suprisingly Off 2 the pub in 30 mins to sort the mouth out with some cold lager