Ulrika Now Leslie has been acquitted of all these allegations it shows you just how much of a low life bucket fanny she really is. She's had more bell ends than weekends. She also reported a TV celebrity raped her in her book, implying it was John Leslie and has proceeded to reap every piece of media attention that came with it in order to boost her pitiful TV career. Fuck she ended up jumping the bones of one of her TV programs stars. (Mr Right) . She'll probably be the most gutted of all that this case has collapsed having all the attention turn a bit sour. Fair enough it was a dreadful thing that happened to her but there's no doubt she should have come forward and said "Yes, it was John Leslie" or more to the truth "No, it wasn't John Leslie". She's a midden!!!
she's football crazy, she's football mad, i cant think of a footballer, Ulrika hasnt had! Fecking slag!
on the front page of the mirror is a mini headline.... EXCLUSIVE....TV beauty who started his ordeal tells the mirror: 'this is getting on my f***ing t*ts now. I never accused anyone of anything'
Your kidding - she used every trick in the "book" implying it was him and maximising her profile. She knew if it went to trial she would get months/years of pulicity and public pity.
She never said he did - she just implied that using the timing of his allegations to boost popularity and increase book slaes and TV appearances.
in the paper 2day she's saying she never said it was him.....at the end of the day when his name was mentioned on channel 5 she didn't say it was'nt him & helped to imply many times that it was.....
I would of thought that people will learn from all of this. People are going from calling one person a rapist to calling another a slag. Why don't people learn to not judge people based on the shit the read in the papers?
Maybe so mate, but that doesn't hide the fact Ulrika used the press and used the media frenzy over Leslie to her benefit. That was not on. She loves Boabie, anybodies boabie!!
Anyone else think the photo of John Leslie snorting cocaine on the front of the Sun was hilarious... Talk about grasping for straws eh.. when the shit hits the fan, link a celebrity with drugs and hope that the people will think they are capable of all types of evil. Bad thing is that it will probably work, people think that celebrities taking drugs is some kind of seedy peverted action that somehow follows hand in hand with murder and rape. What a world we live in eh.
the accusations didn't start til after he was accidentally named on the wright stuff on channel5. there was originally hoohah coz ulrika mentioned in her book that she'd been raped by a tv presenter. during all the talk etc, just before the book came out, matthew wright blurted out john leslie's name, then all the accusations started comin in from loadsa women. i dunno whether he did rape her or not, wouldn't be surprised, but i also do think that the women that accused him after his name was mentioned were just sad fukkas who jumped on a band wagon and started cryin "rape"! after all, the case was dropped after the prosecution "received some additional information relating to the character of the accuser." in other words she was a slag that was tryin to make some money off a celebrity's fall from grace.