Grrrrr I am not impressed, i think my msn has been hacked, i was on msg last night and one of my mates came online-only to find out it wasnt her but someone hacking into her account, they told me that for fun they just pick random people and hack into their account, so i have a feeling the cheeky bastard has done the same to me and fucked it up:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
phew, its ok now, msg must have fucked up for a bit, but i had a feeling when i couldnt sign that tehy hacked mine too cos i was giving them grief about hacking into my friends account
I am not wierd thankyou very much, and it does not change every week, the last time i changed it was after quality!
ROTFLMFAO- i am a team player when need be, but i dont think i will participate in this particular activity if you dont mind! And oww yes Bedlington people are very very selfish
if my translation is correct, i think she wants to grab your balls and "feel" u cough and sarah..... .....speak for yasel!!!!
Yes it is Dutch Ness- well done for getting that right, but the other part 'cough now' is compleatly wrong! How did you know it was Dutch by the way?