no fair i was really looking forward to seeing karim again on fri, but doesn't look as tho im going now. not fair **stamps his feet**
jus lack of people travling up but its ok now cos i just been asked out by a fine bird who works with me winner!!!!!! not so dissapointed now but will still feel as tho i missed out i wonder if she likes karim......
I might not be coming either. My mate wants me to go to Tall Trees for his birthday. Hmmmmm Tall Trees or Karim?
No No No my dear Revel!!! Not Tiesto @ Tall Trees. The normal friday nite drink as much as u can have a fight in the carpark Tall Trees. I think it will be Promise this friday.
just go listen to some ubershite!! u wud of been in ur element @ lees... all of karls records were gash!!
True! Wasn't going to be out on Friday for numerous reason's, but now I am. Get the after-parties sorted lads