old school is well funny, have seen it 4 times already, phone booth is good too, waiting for the cinema for terminator 3 i think, might watch the new tomb raider later on, looks quite good.
Similar storyline to T2, not very good IMO. Nice crahes/explosions though He's not made a good film since Kindergarden Cop
I thought T3 was absolutely fukkin brilliant. enjoyed it more than matrix reloaded, and that was damn good. Definitely thought it was better than T2, i think that was coz of the comedy in it in tho....when he puts those glasses on@the start..... and they seemed to make it a lot like the 1st one. Have to say, Arnie looks fukkin good for pushin 60!!!! he's got himself canny big again!!!
haha the glasses bit is funny as hell but when he says talk to the hand, i think that bit is just hilarious
was canny, enjoyed it, very comical compared to the other two, but he looks really old in some scenes which is understandable as arni must be anciant by now!!!! not as good as the other two, but still worth a watch, ill definetley be watching the fourth if ther is one!!!!