If you had 2 have sex with someone off the board who isn't already your partner who would it be and why? That goes to number 2. ha ha
Mine would either be; Miss T - for some reason i dont think richie would mind so much if it were a female. And Miss T is a top bird!!! Crasherbiatch - BOOBS! Fizz - He needs one or else he'll become dilusional. Si - Experience! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h aha ha aha haa oh and G.H. Cos i'm stalking him! And if it wern't for him i wouldn't have had the best weekend of my life at Glastonbury!
Re: If you had 2 i'd rather drown in a pool of my own vomit than have to go near most of u. let alone participate in a sexual act.
ooo theres 3 members of this board that i wud love to give a good seeing to!! 1 ov them i dunno whether he uses it anymore but actually i think he duz but just under a different name but he's way outta ma league anyway, one of them i may potentially get my opportunity to do what i said at sum point in the not so far away future hehe n the other one i doubt i've got a hope in hell with cos he's got a girlfriend and far too nice 4 me!! lol!! but aint gonna mention any names to save maself from embarrassment!! !!! xxx