Police Check 4 Education Jobs How do, ive been offered a job as an ICT Technician at Ryton comp (finally), 18k to start as well Anyway I have to have one of them police checks done on me. Just wondered if anyone has had one done and if so how long does it take? They said 3-4 weeks but im guessing itll be longer.
Re: Police Check 4 Education Jobs A basic police check is quick as they are only checking to see what offences you have done. The paper work getting from A to B then back to A is what the time on a police check. Army/CPS/Probation checks take a lot longer.
is it like a search for if you've been a kiddy fiddler or something? or do they look for all your criminal past?
including...say.... a caution from 1995 in a different part of the country when u were pissed and it really wasn't you fault? ...for example...
its for kiddy fiddling and drugs your not allowed to work with kids if u have offences in these area's
also gun offences some kid at college applied to do a course working with kids, but he got the knock back cos he a weapons charge of some sort. apparently bored one day he decided to walk round washington with an imitation hand gun, waving it about
Re: Police Check 4 Education Jobs lol! had police cheaks, its just so they can prove that u are safe working with kids and that, usually takes about a month! ps_ ive just left 6th form @ ryton comp!!!!!!....enjoy! xx
no that caution cannot now be used against you or brought up again. cautions only stay on record for 3 years after the offence
i've had a couple of police checks dun, one for doin ma uni course n one 4 ma job im doin at the mo, working with lil'uns on a playscheme n i think at the most they take up to about 6 weeks i think ma 1 for uni did... xxx
its not realy related but little phily once considerd getting his cock out and chasing some 10-11 year olds around??? Funny at the time but somthing you'd regret for the rest of your life.