Worlds Highest Bungy... was amazing But now I m back, and sorting myself out with a job in the Scottish Mountains for the rest of the summer
worlds highest bungey Bungeys are totally class! Ive done two, one at me old work off a crane in the car park, nd the second one outside eden in ibiza, I wud deffo try the one u did doggie, looks brill! xx
ken u must have balls the size of watermellons to jump off something like that mate!! looks well good! hope to see u sometime soon tho mate!
Not sure about K90 i m very skint, and have hopefully a new job starting in Scotland next week, so wont know what the crack with that is yet... Would have done anything to stay away for longer, but idiot me didnt save money before, still already planning next trip, bigger longer, further ...and the bungy, the freefall was 7 seconds, I did a 40 m bungy in New Zealand, and thought that was good... 216m is a long long way!
7 seconds is a lie, its 5 seconds freefall and 2 seconds stretch of the cord... its blatently wrong to jump off a bridge but its fun I ve got a vid of it Si, so i ll bring it when i hopefully see you next week oh got a vid of rafting on the Zambezi too, that was pretty mental too
the one thing i wanna do most while im travelling spain/portugal is a bungy, i so badly wanna do one gonna be on the hunt for one anyway!