Disgrace! FUCK ME:evil: !!!PLEASE READ BELOW Turkey's Court of Appeals has overturned a young man's 15-year jail sentence for thekilling of two English soccer fans and ordered a retrial totake into account "severe provocation". An Istanbul court in May last year jailed Ali Umit Demir for 15 years for killing Christopher Loftus and KevinSpeight, fans of Leeds United, in the city during streetbrawling before a UEFA Cup match in April 2000.
Turkey are a fucking disgrace, they should be banned from everything in the world. It's only what you expect from them. They probably told him that they will put him in jail for a little bit and then have a retrial, then let him go and give him a medal for the killings in the first place:evil: :evil:
Thats f**king shocking n typical of the turks. The lad will get off with it over there n he'll b a hero. Know how they see it they'l prob have him meet the players b4 the England match jus to piss us off even more!
I have to agree! Its a fucking disgrace, FIFA should put there weight behind this and kick Turkey out of the association if they lower the sentance of someone who is no less than a murderer! What did the two lads do to deserve to be murdered? Fucking wankers!
Plus did you see wot the fans were like when they played Macedonia the other week. Actually managed to hit one of the players! UEFA threaten to ban us they should do at least that to the turks
FUCKING BASTARDS :evil: Galatassary & Turkey's supporters always cause havoc and fuck all happens - when Galatassary are in Europe no matter where they go there's summit happens and either crowd trouble in the ground or before/after ! I am not saying this doesnt happen UK but i feel that everything to do with turkish football should be banned for a long long time ! If England had of took there allocation for the crunch european match it would of been I feel for the families of them two Leeds fans - i cant see how that fucking judge can overule what he sentenced ! Bastards....
I'm a massive football fan and on most levels I would say its more than just a game but when it gets to people losing there lives it really puts things in perspective! Football is not the be all and end all, it is just a game! Sadly, some people use football as a reason to fight (these people ARE NOT football supporters, they are mindless thugs) and this ruins it for people and leads to incidents like this! All football supporters should pool together to get hooligans out of the game, no fans want them!
support their fav footy team & go to watch them play in europe.... i think it's a fucking disgrace...turkey should not be allowed to participate in any sort of sprts outside of turkey...they're thugs....
Just read what Joe had put on another thread about the Turks booing the 2 minute silence for Marc-Vivien Foe. That nation is really pissing off everything from football to not helping out in Iraq war. The next time there is an earthquake in Turkey I will not be giving any money. If I see a charity bucket for victims of Turkish earthquakes which is left unattended I will be taking all money out of it & donating it to a good cause.