harry potter on saterday. ok..so...where is open to get it at midnight? and ne1 want to go from vuzz to get it if i can? cos i aint ordered one and i NEED it! (ps...cogan hasnt ruined it for us...we may know who will die, but not how...and its that which will make us cry) plus ron and hermione get it on
It's a terrible death i've read it becase my friend nicked a load of harry potters from that... ooops
What's the difference between a book and a film or tv programme? Some books are amazing. Not really a fan of Harry Potter tho.
i have a dilemma.. i want one 2mrw...shud i go down at midnight to try and get one from waterstones or shud i risk waiting till 9am to get one from smiths or sumwhere?
These people who specially order them thinking that they will sell out and i've just been to Asda for the food shopping and seen it all over the place at £8 Harry Potter is sooooooooooooooooooo overated!!