Next to Central Station. The end closest the the centre for life. Dont worry Nat, Im sure you'll see us all there! Can everyone thats going PM their mobile number so I can ring if theres any problems please
I will be giving Jeff my mobile number tonite so if your driver gets lost or yous need help with anything just give me a call. ITS GONNA BE HUUUGE!!!!!!!!
so wots the crack with this there a cd player on the bus - wud be gud for some hard as nails picotto mixes (got one live from ibiza lst yr and is quality). Wot time does bus come back sunday? Shud meet in a bar nxt to pick up area too. Can't wait to c him - last time was at Promise + b4 that Eden - lookin forward 2 filterheadz too
after seeing picotto at the sugar shack on friday, i now officially like techno (and picotto!!) he was mint! i had a great time! cant wait til saturday!