After using this board... ...I'm starting to find myself using northern words like 'lush' and even 'howay' on occasions. Your all having an influence on me!
an after u've been living there for a bit u end EVERY sentence with like! i've been gettin loads of shite off my mates for that...
I would day I don't have one but I guess I do, I spose it's kinda like a East Midlands/Lincolnshire one! I am under NO CERTAIN TERMS from Yorkshire
I spoke to one of my good mates yesterday who moved to Southhampton 2 months ago. His accent is well different. He kept saying 'yeah' 'yeah' after every fucking word . I told him to stop doing it or I would have to kill him:evil: :evil: :evil:
Ach! It soooooooooooo is missy! The Geordie guy at work uses it all the time! eyeball > yes I know, I know, but there's northern and there's NORTHERN! iamian > no, otherwise I would be saying I wish I was from Yorkshire! Can't comment on the mentally unstable bit tho
loads of peeps use lush tho... N.I. the west country oxfordshire north west well peeps from all them pissed me off wi it last year @ uni!:evil: