Crimestoppers are thick cunts 'A man was walking though a co-op store in Middlesborough shouting obscenities. He was then escorted out and he continued shouting it in front of youngsters.... blah blah blah' Did it never occur to them he might have terretts?
I know! There's been quite a few times i've mistakenly thought someone was being extremely twattish in Cramlington shopping centre. I was going past this man, just walking a bit faster than him and he shouted WANK ARSE... TWAT! The looks he gets off eldery folk is the best.
did u see the documentary last month about 'fuck off john' with torrettes, was well funny.. but harsh on him
No I saw it a couple of years ago though. 'I was sitting in my bedroom at the age of 10 watching the telly, my mum shouted up the stairs and out of nowhere I shouted suck my dick.' That the same bloke?
That was a class documentary. I was watching it with My lass and her mam and I was totally laughing my tits off and they were dead serious about it. FuCk ShIt CuNt BaLlSwEaT
There was this lad at my school Called Paul Dixon who used to have Down Syndrome! Rumour was he was 20 when he left year 8, some of the shit he used to do was pure comedy. 1, He used to tie his coat round his neck and suddenly become Super Paul 2, Wipe his arse with his hanky then put it back in his pocket 3, Kiss the girls and make them cry! It was realy bad! He knew how funny he was tho just used to play up to it! Very funny guy!
It was on the news a whilst back that John, who lives somewhere in Scotland, was sick of the shitty area he lived in, so he wanted to become a Scottish MP in order to better his fellow jocks. You can just imagine John standing up in the Scottish parliament, all serious n that, wantin to do his bit and then, "to the right honourably FUCKIN NONSE CUNT of a gentleman, I do not agree with his MUTHERFUCKIN SHITWIPE of a policy. He can GO FUCK HIMSELF, the TWAT"! It would bring the house down!