This weeks Chronicle rant.... So we didn’t win the culture bid? I can’t believe that much of the club fraternity is particularly bothered, after all we were far more directly affected by the catastrophic loss of the Love Parade. I’d say clubbers were neither surprised nor bothered by last week’s decision. That’s not to say we don’t care its just that raking over the coals now is far from productive, what we really need to be asking ourselves is where do we go from here? Perhaps timely, but it’s moments like this that I look to a former home, Spain’s Cultural Capital, for inspiration. Barcelona, having long eclipsed most of its European, never mind Castillian counterparts in the cultural stakes has many parallels with the region, not least it being located on a north east coast line. Staunchly independent and populated by highly motivated and creative people who know how to enjoy themselves, the people of Barcelona have cultivated one of the most desirable locations in the world from a once bleak past. If only we had a little more sunshine, we could well be on route to becoming a MicroBarça. With greater relevance to music though, if Newcastle could utilise it’s contemporary musical base in the way that Barcelona’s Sonar festival (currently celebrating its 10th Anniversary) has, the region’s music scene would be the envy of the world and would demonstrate how much forward thinking, musical creativity the city has. Basing a contemporary culture bid around a pop group from over thirty years ago, like Liverpool (though a likely vote winner), is hardly a forward step. Sonar has focused musicians experimentation and creativity, and celebrates it. If Newcastle and Gateshead would only look to Barcelona and create a supportive structure for its musicians, we wouldn’t need a government funded push, we’d be doing what we always do and making a future for ourselves. Simon Stuart Letters:
Simon? Newcastle has a load of talent in the form of electronica, hip hop, breaks, dnb etc!!! why cant there be a festival up here?? why has no1 tried?? You could have Smoove Phobia and Piper Andi Fenner Si Bonin Static Caravan Mark Rae There's loads! would be a good idea!
Paul Rubenstein is still on my list to be 1st against the wall come the revolution. you stupid fuck!!!
yeah we went during the day, gutted is the only word i can use to describe it being cancelled, not impressed at all
it was a fucking shame. The love parade was on the weekend of my 18th birthday and I was all set up for a weekend enjoying it all. I ended up stuck in fucking consett :evil: