Promise Hull last night?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TranceyDJ, Jun 8, 2003.

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  1. TranceyDJ

    TranceyDJ Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Promise Hull last night?

    It was on wasn't it? What's the crack then, did anyone go and what was it like? :confused:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. x Rachey x

    x Rachey x Registered User

    Jan 7, 2003
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    It was good, not really busy though which was a shame. Jon O'Bir was on first, he was absolutly amazing! Really good, driving trance. Petrae Foy was on next about 11.30, I thought he was okay but a bit hard/technoey for me. Richard came on about 1 and was playing very hard, very banging trance. The dancefloor was rammed but tbh it wasn't really me, I think I prefer his warmups! Shan came on last and was actually a lot better than I expected, I was told that all he played was really hard & bouncy hard house but it was actually quite trancy - probably one of the best sets of the night

    The bouncers were their usual twatty selves, when my friend wanted to leave early through the exit in the funky room, the bouncers stood in front of the open door and refused to move out of his way so he could go out. In the end he had to walk all the way around to the main entrance. They were also apparently doing their usual trick of kicking down the doors of the toilets to the poor people locked in having a shit. At the end, they wouldn't even let us have a 'one more' tune and were being really pushy at getting people out of the club. When we were stood chatting to Richard at the end, one fat bastard bouncer tapped me on the shoulder, and shouted at me for not heading towards the door. When I said to him, it was okay - we were with Richard he then replied with 'And who's he?' We told him he was the promoter and he said, 'right, well you can talk outside, I want you out!' and shouted at everyone in the DJ box to leave too!
  4. Chris 00 'Ave It

    Chris 00 'Ave It

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Sunny Scunthorpe
    The staff there are cunts! And I don't use that word v often! [​IMG]

    All in all, I thought it was okay - nothing more, nothing less!

    Was well impressed (again) with Jon O'Bir - gutted he was on so early though :( He had the dancefloor full and going for it by half 11.

    But then Petrae Foy came on and ruined things, I've seen his warm-ups at Gods and loved them but he was too hard too early imo. Plus the guy can't leave the eq's alone, has to piss around on every tune! It sounds good at first but then gets annoying! He did fill the dancefloor again - but only when he played Fuct Camera :rolleyes:

    Richard was on 12.45-2am and was okay, but not as good as I've seen him the last few times. He was hard, but kinda cheesy hard - very public domain sounding which isn't my style.

    Shan was wicked, best set after O'Bir to me :) He played hardish, but good hardish... including the Steve Murana mix of Dark Monks - Insane :D finished on Ratty - Sunrise, unfortunately we didn't get a one more.

    It may sound daft, but the music was far too loud too last night, you couldnt speak to anyone in the main room and be heard. It was making my belly vibrate and made me feel sick too :(

    Can we have an official line about what happened to Nick Riley as well [​IMG]

    And I presume this was the last one at Hull as Fez has been taken over by Heaven & Hell, with a manager that looks like the bloke out of the Nightcrawlers :(


    Feb 25, 2003
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    i thought it was damn good.. but pretty empty...enjoyed foys set and just cant beat a bit of fuct camera, even tho it did make me leave my drinks at the bar......
    hopefully that aint the end of promise in hull.. if its the end end at the fez maybe they shud try the welly club
  6. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    is the room still open in hull??
  7. x Rachey x

    x Rachey x Registered User

    Jan 7, 2003
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    The Room is still open, tho its an absolute dive. Maybe with a bit of redecorating it could be okay. I always used to like the Rhythm Room although thats been all boarded up now!

    From what Richard was saying, the Welly Club just isn't an option with Deja Vu and Fully Charged already having residencies there. Lets hope something comes up :)

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