Corsten Ok im fecked and its 3.30 but id just like to say ferry was hellish, depsite the fact the tunes he played were a little hard compared to what he normally pays, lee cracking as well, missed tony tho
Was class. Hutch and Lee amazing! Ferry was a little bit hard so i spent most my time in the back room later on. Was excellent! Came back out for the end. One word. Ligaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Corsten Is hellish a good thing? I'd use that if it were bad? He played it hard? That must be apart from Ligaya and Veracocha then
i was rang & texted to go out last nite...........grrrrrrrrr @ work for having to go in today........i was even offered a free taxi home but i had to turn down it down! i'm also skint but me mam & dad were gonna lend me it....
eeee ... well last nights eased my itchy feet for going out, saving for ibiza havent been out aince beginning of april and not out again til my holiday. met a few people off ere "nice to see ya" the pics will be up shortley... if not sent me and email n tell me to hurry my @rse up, im a bit forgetful!
clubbing is over-rated anyway. just sit at home with a bottle of vodka each night and get wasted by yourself.
Last night was my first promise outing in ages... and it was all webba's fault Always room was awesome, ferry was pretty good also we did our best to try drag ruth out short of banging down the door and dragging her out in her pjs It was good to meet some of the people off the board and put some faces to handles (Orbit, M-X, GeordieLee ) shame I didn't get to meet joe, or sassy sarah apparently amy and joe did bump into her though
i'll get stoned instead!! :chill: me & yvonne r planning on a trip down ur way on 28th june.....come out & play if u can even if its just 4 a bit.......... i ain't seen u's in ages....
i got a txt last nite saying amy looked like she was wanting to kill sassy sarah........... also as the crack goes she looks bout 12!!
I think amy just wanted a 'quiet word' but according to one of her mates, after joe asked this lass if she was sassy, she wouldn't look amy in the face! As for the 12-year old bit, just look at trades U should have come out woman :evil:
i know how quiet amy's words r - that girl shrieks!!! like i said last nite i have no money & i looked worse than shit.......after u got off the fone tho my mam offered to lend me the money if i really wanted to go out............. i wud've ended up really pissed which wud've caused nast nitemares at work 2day with a hangover from hell!!! instead i'm as fresh as a daisy & have sold lots even tho i've only been in 4 just over an hour!!
I was supposed to be going but fell asleep at 6pm and just woke up now! Ferry played hard Tracklist?? Attendance?
Suprised to hear that he played hard but glad you's had a good night! wish i could have been there but no clubbing 4 me until ibiza in 4 weeks! Cheers to craig (who i rang at 3:15am), for putting ferry on the phone to me heard you had a fall last night craig, something to do with scafolding??? and being under the influence?? well Craig i changed my sig last night, you SHOULD have read it b4 u went out matey..........