When writing your CV do you..... ......... put "Clubbing" in the "Hobbies & Other Interests" bit? I know someone who did and the interviewer said this was "Worrying" !!!
Worrying indeed to a interveiwer mate! lol Just write 'socialising'... they'll get ya drift, but think of it as less mad... if u kno what i mean, ie socilaising can mean, going to the flicks with friends aswell! xx
No - "keeping fit and socialising with friends" is better mate. If that means swallowing loads of drugs and dancing for 4 hours off your heid with your mates then so be it, they don't need to know all the fine details
Ive got in on mine and nobodys asked me about it. Ive had quite a few interviews in the last year and not got the jobs so maybe I it was a bad move
fuck that shit. i always do. every interview ive had ive got the job/got on the course etc. im good in interviews tho. it mainly counts on how you present yourself. it will also show that you are fun and outgoing so why not
ive been widely advised not to write socialising as a hobby. most people do enjoy that. to tell them is stupid.
When ted did his CV he wrote a whole spiel on how much his little life revolved around clubbing, DJing and football and those were the things that made him happy!
I've never done a CV...but if I did I wouldn't put clubbing. I don't think I'd put socialising either...everyone socialises do you really need to put that on a CV?
i put in mine someting along the line of "i have an active social life and i am a fan of electronic music whic i dj myself, i also enjoy going to see my favourite djs and visiting the best clubs in the country."
depends what sort of job your going to, to be honest most erm "prestigious" employers really aren't interested in your hobbies be it swimming or clubbing... Its more of a post GCSE thing writing shite like I like reading, writing poetry and horse riding.
I dont put clubbing down, even though i would call it my main interest. Most people interviewing you will just assume that means going out round the town and getting sozzed and think "well if thats their main interest . . ." I just stick down a few "nobler" pursuits like football and snooker. Though ive just remembered i do have "i enjoy listening to music" on it. So clubbing gets a sort of mention, but not directly.
If you put clubbing down, all the stigma will be attatched, regardless if you do or do not take drugs. It would really be foolish to put down clubbing as a hobby. You have to remember, those in HR jobs are predominatly upper-middle class, typical university backgrounds, sheltered lives. Mention you like clubbing and you'll immediately be stereotyped. First impressions do last. Even when reading a CV, you do get a halo or horn effect, meaning they'll either take a shine or instant dislike.
You don't half talk some shite. In the eyes of most recruiters, clubbing = "I like going out on the weekend, taking drugs, getting fucked, etc" Even if you don't touch anthing illegal, they will assume it. What employer would read that and think, "yeah, just the kind of person I want working for me" Can I ask, are employed by an agency or do you work for an agency?