lol think that was someone taking the piss outa technoorgasm made me laff glitter angel is canny gash as are the try hard series and the @promise @beep series.
well it sounds daft to me and after reading sum comment you made about his name last night, i found it rather amusing
i think the best names are those who just put there full name in. HA ha ah a these people will never be a mystery!
my favorites of these are Stephen Miller cos he's quite cute and Richie Elliott cos he's cuter. Oh and that other bloke as well Seniorchem si, WHAT?
These are some of the worst bigaddybigaddy-bong Sven's LoveChild powerpuffboi dj john kelly Banging Bass bigearedtripper wotshappenedtomartyn Massimo_Maccarone james 007 ellis UserName Cyber Ted the second