Hull Next Week Is anyone driving down to Hull next week and have 2 spare spaces in the car? Due to people dropping out at the last minute evil: ) Spence had to cancel the bus so me and Clare have no way of getting there and we really wanted to go! Anyway, I thought I would try this as a last resort!
That really pisses me off! :evil: :evil: Your looking forward to going somewhere and then some selfish wankers pull out and the plug gets pulled! Why people bother to say they're going in the first place when they have blatently no plans to I'll never know! Hope you get there mate
So, we need a few spaces in a car and a trailer!!! Well done to Broony for dropping every fucker in it!
fair enuff! ad rather take it easy than miss out tho - BUT - tis totally her choice n noone elses.......
there is a hotel thats only £40 a night....twin we might be staying there. i will be driving, and there will be 1 space. not 100% sure yet tho.