good work mr dog, i am too rather blasted, an unfortunately alone dont know whether to continue but anyway, good work
things should never b done in halves!! my sight was interfeered with last nite.........was gud 4 a while.....:chill:
I couldnt see fuck all on saturday night :spangled: Not nice being sick when ya totally skull fucked either I will never learn - next time im keeping away from them horses !
If it makes ya better then its ok ! When ya dont know where ya are or fuck all then its just wrong and bad - my own fault anyways...
I feel fine. Nothing to drink at all this bank hols! I'm so proud of myself... :angel: (actually, was because totally skint and can't afford alcohol really)
Thats a scary thought! Not for Helen and Jus but for me to be an auntie! EEEEEEEEEEEEEK!! Get well soon Helen. I know you wont read this but Jus can pass the message on!
*slaps Phil* How scary does that sound! Not as scary as somebody calling Jus and Helen 'mam and dad' though