Green Festival On at leazes park on sat and sunday i think, was a good laff last year, bands and DJ's, hip hop, house, old skool, techno. also loads of other stuff going on.. for all the family anyone going?
Probably going to the green festival, but might going away on the sat for a day or so, so it depends what time im back
I could be tempted but my capital is in the red at the mo.. and mother wont give me any if i can get some sorted i'll let u know...
I'll definitely be at the Green Festival on Sunday, been the last two years and they've been quality, although I can't really remember that much of them to be fair.
i always miss this, all my capitalist pig friends won't go! Pud, pm me your number, I'll call ya if I'm going down, and come find ya
Don't think there was a website. Anyone who didn't go missed out, the techno tent was rocking!! Luckily the rain just about held off while I was there, didn't get caught in any I don't think.