What has Happened 2 try hard shaun and claire. the used 2 b on the board all the time now i hardly ever c post off them. wonder if we scared them off lol. they posts were interesting!
They either... A) went under OR B) own far too much celebrity status to muck it with the likes of you or me on here mate!
Possibly could be cos Shaun liked the attention he got from winding people up. People stopped taking it so seriously and he was hardly ever getting a reaction and people had grown to like him. It mustnt be fun for him anymore
damn, to have a whole thread dedicated to what a cunt someone is.. thats pretty vicious, i dont think i know anyone hated so much in this country (celebrities excluded)
ah now to be fair, he did come accross as a plank, but that was just message board banter, he and claire are actually some of the nicest people you could talk to.
u didnt say that wen i spoke to u in promise a few months back, u were wellll harsh ... and I completley agree... shaun = cockroach if u pardon the pun....
i hate him cos he kicked me with his golden moonboots in sundiss... prick. :evil: but he looked a twat so i let him off....
eh? U ve lost me! But that might be my fault, im crap at remembering people I meet for first or second time in Promise!