Promise CD? Has anyone ever done a 'sound of promise' CD? What tracks would go on it if it ever got made?
Re: Promise CD? There's a few. Suppose the 'proper' would have been last year's 'Promise, The Future Sound of Nu_Castle' CD, given away free with M8 (November I think) which consisted of... 1. Pete Gawtry - Re-Morse (HH Mix) 2. Richard Tulip - Driven 3. Corvin Dalek - Real Man (Jan Kessler's Rock Hard Mix) 4. Castor & Pollux - Serenity (JF Sebastien Mix) 5. E-Craig - Thanx We Get 6. Ambition - Day Flight (Trance Mix) 7. Green Court - Silent Heart (Flutlicht Mix) 8. DJ Merly Dee - Paradise (Silent Stream Mix) 9. Cybersecrecy - Your Eyes Make Me Feel So Good 10. Yakooza - Cocaine (DJ Wag Rework 11. Arome - Hands Up (Scot Project Mix) 12. C4 - Mysterious Place (Ubderdruck Mix) Goes across the spectrum of Trance, from Progressive to Hard, and captures every aspect of Richard Tulip's many styles, and the true sound of Promise There's apparently one flaoting about taht was given out at the 3rd Birthday party too, which I aint managed to get hold of yet
yeah i got that one allie if ya wanna borrow it to copy or sum thin, really good too no prog on this one tho