Vanilla Coke? personally i'm getting addicted to it!! What does everyone else think, its a bit of a marmiteism, you either love it or hate it.
Bacardi and Vanilla Coke is a peach of a drink. Well it doesn't actually taste like peach, more like.................barcardi and vanilla coke.
I tried some a few weeks back and its pretty nice. It tastes like a Coke ice drink (Ice cream in the drink). If anyone can remember McDonalds done a "Tastes of the world" thing about 10 years ago and they had Coke Floats, it tastes exactly like them.
Re: Re: Vanilla Coke? I tried them and i didnt really like them but i was fucked at the time and my mouth could have been doing with out eating anything never mind a packet of Monster Munch. I read on a board that if you put those Monster Munch in a bowl with milk is supposed to be quite nice.
my mate said "it tastes jus like coke with ice-cream in it" an when some1 said - what vanilla ice cream? she jus said yeah thats the one :spangled: an they weren't even blonde
ignore that, i couldve sworn you typed cock, not coke! jesus, my eyes are playing tricks on me i reckon!
lmao, i did write that by an accident but then i relised wot i wrote an edited it, so no its not your eyes playing upbat all
absoloutley ranciiiiid! got some from a machine at uni the other day- pressed for normal but got diet (bad enough) vanilla... had one mouthful felt ill and hurled it... naaasty shit...
I didn't know there was a vanilla coke... so I went and got some and now I can't stop drinking the stuff... I'm peeing like a racehorse
the lemon is ok for about half a bottle then it just taste's like shit. But the vanilla one is awesome.