joe has never not been the king! doggie has definatley helped while he's been away (and i find his sense of humour wkd) jambon.......what can i say:evil:
I'll be king harsher "I'd like to thank all the people who showed me the way to the dark side, Rufus for her excellent tutelage, Jambon and Batty for making me an honorary arrogant cunt, Teknofish and Joe for the volume and quality of inspiration they provided......blah blah blah"
as of this morning, I wont be visiting the board much during the day, cos I got shat on by my aboves.. Suppose I might actually do some work for the remaining two weeks here! crown B.O.B ruler of the board...she has authoritah! and the 1st time i met her she was wearing cow trousers...ive never seen joe in cow trousers, so BOB rules.