Time For A Change?? Now then chappies n chappess' Shud a give in to joe and play dress up for friday??? Cyber that is not womens clothes (this time ) Am sure av got sum old stuff a cud dig out and whack on Yay or nay? Cud be a larf a s'pose!
gotta admit av thought about it a few times - cos all me old cyber gear is in bottom of one of me cupboards - everytime a go into that cupboard the thought crosses me mind very tempted
Re: Re: Time For A Change?? lol - to u it is a stoopid question like m8 a s'pose! not long now tho kidda - bring it on!!!!! ( oooo wot a lovely film!! lol! )
mostly when gettin ready for wrk!!!! just the thought of the looks on their faces wen a walked in glowin to bits - lol - wud be a classic
lol just look @ the votes... u know it makes sense... we can sit on the railing and teach the rookies how to waff like a true cyber who needs glowsticks when you have faster hands than bruce lee?
dunno about sittin on the railings like think am gonna do it tho - why the fook not! need to go all way tho - need face paints and stuff! and sum kick arse class as fukk uv hair!
come through to cyberside terrace first... I'll be doing all my face shit there... contemplating a dead adventarous design... but will prolly settle with dots
prob still got sum uv gel etc in bags sumwhere but maybe just a bit out of date now!! problem tho - dont fink a got any tops!! shall have to have a dig about!
medium ones mite b ok like... mine were all small a fink tho - shall see wot i have - but will find summt! if not al just have to wear body paint