Drinks What every1's favourite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks? Mine would be: Non aloholic - Diet coke or Lilt Light Alcoholic - Treble Vod and Diet Coke
Tea n double vodka redbull... how many times in promise whilst drunk have i asked for a double redbull and vodka?
new even better tea bags comin out from PG (Or tetley, i cant remember) that supposed to make an even better cup o tea
Alcoholic Stella Artois John Smiths Guiness Caffreys Worthingtons Brown Ale White Wine Red Wine I will drink any of them when im out altho Brown Ale's like a meal at times ! Non alcoholic Pepsi Fresh Orange Jucie Grapefruit Juice Pineapple Juice Pepsi is the best cola going
went to the docs, apparantly ive got SMARS as you thought. A combination of SARRS and MUMPS ive also been diagnosed with the CLAP!
the doctor said i quote '' WOT THE HELL U BIN DOIN BOYO, YOUR COCK LOOKS LIKE AN ARIZONA WEEPING CACTUS'' apparantly thats not good.
Think we've had this post before tbh, while ago tho. Alcoholic - Long Island Iced Tea, Southern Comfort, Morgan's Spiced Non-Alcoholic - RIBENA! Addicted to this stuff, have been since before I can remember!