FAO: Those that know me I would like to be reminded of your birthday each year using an excellent service offered by BirthdayAlarm.com. Please click on the following link for me and enter your name and birthday, it only takes a few seconds: http://www.BirthdayAlarm.com/dob/5251173a8877138b362 Thank you Lee
fuck, wish u d posted this a week ago, i might have remembered one of my best friends birthdays, she instead got a text at 11pm, when i was pissed and had fallen asleep on train (again) saying sorry i couldnt call her that night, i wasnt even gonna call her to wish her happy birthday, it was just gonna be a radom call... oops
At uni till June mate. But....... Toast Manchester @ The Attic, Oxford Road, Manchester. Fortnightly Saturday's. 1-8pm. £2 B4 4pm £3 after. 31st May: Alex Kidd (Goodgreef, Toast) Little Miss Natalie (Insomniacz, Sin:ergy, Exodus) Morgan (Toast, Addiction) Ginge (Neo, Cypher, Spin Inn) Andy Hames (Cold Fusion) Andy Whitby (Addiction, Fluffy, Damnation) Dave Lee (Toasted new talent)
done ditto, btw Please click on the following link for me and enter your name and birthday, it only takes a few seconds: http://www.BirthdayAlarm.com/dob/5275772a3635062b362 :groovy: