Hed Kandi + Fashion How the fuck is boxing boots and tracksuit bottoms or even boxing bottoms fashionable with shades and pony tails in hair - thats on a man too I have been loads to Hed Kandi @ Stereo and seen some "Try Hards" but tonight i think i have witnessed far the cream of them ! I dont know what i am doing wrong with my fashion but its certainly not gonna change - lads with little pony tails man ffs !
I was proud to have a baldy skull ! Them in some places must take hrs to do there hair ! Even when i had me spikes it didnt take that long !
Tonight Geordie John wore a string best under a dressed jacket with ripped jeans and Nike "Pigs Trotters" trainers. His hair was styled by Old Macdonald and its ala Chicken Heed with blonde bits.
I have Pig's Trotters yeah but no hair Hows the message board texts been going ?? Is the re structuring all going to plan with ya new bessie mates I never thought id see the day !