I Am A Cock would just like to apologise to everyone i've ever offended and would like to announce i am a cock of the highest order!!
it's not a trend, its just a fact. duncan is a cock, we should all just be happy he has realised what a nob he is and help him on the road to recovery. MWA X
oh my god have you just realised?? ive been trying to tell you and every1 who knows you this for ages!!!!
nah.. he gave out his damn password... fuckwit oh yeh dunc.. nice pjs' very fetching no score for mc hammer tho.. i fort u were joking all this time...
well...duncans not romantic by nature...he asked me what to buy his lass and where to take her...and i told him...so now he is romantic...but martins too damn stubborn to even ask so he duz nothing....but i wantto kiss him....martin! i need to kiss you!
I am only romantic to peeps who deserve my love and at the mo there is only one person who deserve's it and she is asleep in my bed right now.