he had 2 birds with him, both looked like transexuals to me to be honest!! the japaneese one had some sort of leotard thong this going on, with jeans on top, only this leotard thong thing went half way up her back!! *wedgies it*
Most blokes like there women to look good close up There is nothing worse when your G/F has to be 50 meters away from you to look god IMO.
I thought Yoji was absolutley brilliant, I had a class night. He was really different I thought kept the crowd all night. I would differently travel to see him play again somewhere. From Vuzz to Promise and then ending up in Washington it was a quality night and morning. Met load's of peep's off here and was one of the best nights ever in Promise.
Yoji is class. I had wanted to see him for ages. I had a class night. One of the best nights in Promise but not as good as Marco V Everyone that I met was sound and the music was class!!!! Also got to hand loads of me cd's out aswell. Good night all round for me!!!
what about wakin up with a hangover.. sorta sover but feelin ruff then turnin over... Was good to meet all u peeps i ve never met before, sorry i aint "bigged u up" yet, i ve still not slept proper since fri morning 6am But what a night it was
thought yoji was great....only tune i didnt like was that 'take on me cheeesseeyyyy! and he played it twice!NO NEED!
i was that pissed i woulda had a mint nite regardless!! sorry to every1 whose feet i stood on while i tried to dance i found it very hard standing up
yoji 1st time been for a long time, have been w8ing for him after listening to sets and was 1 of best nites i had out, will be going back!! took it easy for a change on the biscuits and had a mint nite, yoji was god for the nite!!!!!!